
How small businesses can benefit from website localisation?

Website localisation isn’t only for big and multinational companies.

It’s a good strategy for any business that wants to open to new markets or gain trust of customers that speak a different language or have a different cultural background.

And it’s not only for your customers abroad, but also for those who reside in your home market, but aren’t fluent in your native language. Or for those who may speak a different variant of your language.

Localisation and cultural adaptation brings many benefits also for small businesses. Below you can find some reasons why:

1. Clear focus on the customer’s needs

You don’t have to go global to consider website localisation a good investment. Whenever you want to focus more on customers who speak a different language or are emerged in a different culture, localisation might be the right strategy to gain their trust and loyalty.

In the process of website localisation you’ll be able to gain more knowledge about your potential customers and about their needs. And once your website is properly localised, you’ll be able to show that your business really cares about its customers, be it on the same or foreign market.

If your small business operates only in one country, you can use localisation to reach different minorities living in your region but speaking other languages. Whether it’s localising your British website for Poles living in the UK or adapting your German pages to your Turkish buyers – your small business will be able to gain more visibility and attract new customers, even if you’re not planning to grow your business on the foreign markets.

2. Attracting and retaining more buyers

As a small business you have many advantages over the big players: from faster response time to more flexibility and personal customer service. This also means you might be more aware of the needs and expectations of your customers. If you repetitively deal with foreign language speakers who approach you from your country or from abroad, then localising your online presence might be a good idea.

You don’t have to adapt and translate all your pages to appear more accessible and show that you care about your customer’s needs. Publishing 2 or 3 localised pages in the language of your existing or potential customers can also improve your business image and help you attract and retain more buyers.

Once your website users understand how your products and services can help solve their problems, they will be more likely to trust your business and keep coming back. If they get an impression that you care about their needs – be it by publishing content in their language or referring to their holidays or local habits – you’ll be able to develop better customer relations and win loyal customers.

3. Increasing profits

Finally, website localisation can help you reach to more customers and increase your sales. Even you’re only a small business.

Maybe your business sells products that are not available on other markets? Maybe your products are cheaper than in other countries? There are many reasons why foreign customers may want to buy from your small business, but fail to grasp the details of your offer.

With more language versions, your website will be available to more users and potential customers. Of course, you’ll need to define your target groups first and find out which language or languages should be added to your website. A powerful and culturally adapted content will help you achieve a wider reach and build local presence, regardless of the physical distance and language barrier between you and your target customer. 

When your visitors understand your content, they are more likely to trust and work with you.  And once you’re website is ready for new visitors, you’ll also increase your chances for repetitive business and higher profits.

A localised website means more exposure, better customer relations and potentially higher profits, even if you don’t plan to become a global player.

It’s not about the size of your business, but about your growth plans and strategy. So, consider localising your business website if you want to offer a better service and personalised experience for users speaking different languages or living in other regions.

Dorota helps digital brands infuse their content with a local touch. She is a localization consultant, translator specialized in IT, prompt engineer, and a book author. Dorota teaches online courses on localization, writes for her blog and a Medium publication. She also runs a Small Biz AI, a Substack newsletter for freelancers and small business owners ready to discover handy AI tools.

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