CPD plan for freelancers

Steer your career in the right direction with a tailored CPD plan. Here’s how to do it.

A new year comes with a new energy.

At least at the beginning.


Before the routine drains your energy again, it’s wise to steer it in a good direction.

For example, by planning your yearly Continuous Professional Development.


Key questions to ask

To help you draft the right CPD plan, you can ask yourself these key questions:

Skill Assessment:

    • What are my current strengths and weaknesses in my professional skill set?
    • Which skills are currently in high demand in my field?

Learning Goals:

    • What new skills or knowledge do I want to acquire in the coming months?
    • Are there any emerging trends or technologies in my field that I need to learn about?

Professional Achievements:

    • What are my major professional goals for this year?
    • How do these goals align with my long-term career aspirations?

Networking and Relationships:

    • How can I expand my professional network this year?
    • Are there mentors or industry leaders I want to connect with?

Market Understanding:

    • What are the current market demands and client expectations in my field?
    • How can I adjust my services or products to better meet these demands?

Efficiency and Productivity:

    • Are there tools or processes I can learn to make my work more efficient?
    • How can I improve my time management and productivity?

Personal Development:

    • How can I maintain a healthy work-life balance while pursuing these professional goals?
    • Are there personal skills (like communication or leadership) that I should develop?

Feedback and Reflection:

    • How will I gather feedback on my progress?
    • What regular self-reflection practices can I implement to assess and adjust my CPD plan?

Financial Goals:

    • What are my financial objectives for this year, and how do they relate to my CPD activities?
    • Do I need to invest in certain courses, certifications, or resources to achieve these goals?

Adaptability and Resilience:

    • How can I prepare myself to adapt to unforeseen changes or challenges in my field?
    • What can I do to build resilience and stay motivated throughout the year?


Write down your answers – e.g. in your journal or a digital CPD plan to get a clear idea of your goals and ways to achieve them.

Make sure your CPD goals are realistic. There are only 24 hours in a day, and even if spend 1/3 of it on work, you won’t be able to complete all the courses or read all the books on every topic that seems interesting.

Define what skills are relevant to your career to avoid wasting time on issues that might be exciting, but won’t necessarily help you achieve what you want in your (freelance) business.


Why does defining your CPD goals matter?

Setting your CPD goals will help you steer your career in the direction you desire. With a CPD plan that aligns with your personal and financial objectives, you can:


Stay ahead in your field

The world is evolving rapidly, and so should your skills. Focusing on professional development helps you remain competitive and competent.


Create a personalized learning journey

By setting your CPD goals, you can assure your skills are relevant and beneficial to your career.


Boost confidence and credibility

Knowledge is power. When you stay updated and informed, you can enhance your professional confidence and credibility.


Wide your client and project scope

Setting and achieving your CPD goals can broaden the range and scope of projects and clients you attract. Whether it’s a collaboration on a new exciting project, entering a niche market, or adapting your offer to the rapidly changing market, with a targeted CPD you’ll likely find yourself in demand for higher-tier, more lucrative freelance opportunities.


This list of benefits goes on and on, but here’s the main takeaway: professional development is a key to staying relevant in your market, especially if you’re a business owner. With the right CPD plan, you can ensure your learning process flows in the right direction.


Are you ready to crate your to-learn list?


P.S. To start the new year on a growth note, here’s a 15% discount for the online course on localization tools. If this content aligns with your CPD goals, secure your spot before this offer expires!

Dorota helps digital brands infuse their content with a local touch. She is a localization consultant, translator specialized in IT, prompt engineer, and a book author. Dorota teaches online courses on localization, writes for her blog and a Medium publication. She also runs a Small Biz AI, a Substack newsletter for freelancers and small business owners ready to discover handy AI tools.